YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

In an interview on the YouTube channel ‘HAEPPY,’ YouTuber/Singer Xooos courageously addresses the malicious comments she has received regarding her appearance, particularly focusing on the criticism she often receives about the corners of her mouth. Xooos, who gained popularity as a YouTuber with 1.6 million subscribers, has also been the subject of dating rumors with actor Park Seo Joon. This article explores Xooos’ candid thoughts on the negative comments she has faced and sheds light on her personal experiences with online hate.

YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

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Background Information on YouTuber/Singer Xooos

Xooos is a popular YouTuber and singer who has recently gained attention due to rumors of her dating actor Park Seo Joon. With a subscriber count of 1.6 million on her YouTube channel, Xooos has built a strong following by covering songs and showcasing her musical talent. However, her rising fame has also led to increased scrutiny and malicious comments about her appearance.

Rumors of Dating Park Seo Joon

Dating speculations between Xooos and Park Seo Joon first emerged following reports of their overseas sightings, shared items, and mutual acquaintances. These rumors began circulating in online communities in June and quickly gained traction. Fans and netizens were eager to know the truth about their relationship status, but Park Seo Joon’s agency remained tight-lipped and stated that they could neither confirm nor deny the news because it pertained to the actor’s private life.

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YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

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Xooos’ Appearance and Hate Comments

As Xooos’ popularity grew, so did the number of hate comments targeting her appearance. She revealed in an interview on the ‘HAEPPY’ YouTube channel that one of the most common hate comments she received was about the corner of her mouth, with some claiming it annoyed them. Xooos, however, asserted that her natural appearance was not something she forced and that she was born with these unique features. She expressed her frustration and disappointment at the malicious comments but remained determined to rise above the negativity.

Xooos’ Interview on ‘HAEPPY’ YouTube Channel

Xooos made a guest appearance on the ‘HAEPPY’ YouTube channel, where she opened up about the hate comments she received and the impact they had on her. The interview provided an opportunity for her to address the issue directly and share her thoughts with her fans and viewers. The relevant part of the interview where Xooos discusses the hate comments about her appearance can be found around the 4:35 mark in the video.

YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

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Xooos’ Single Release

Amidst the controversy surrounding the dating rumors, Xooos announced the release of her new single, ‘Crush!’. The single represents a fresh start for her as she focuses on her music and continues to pursue her passion. With her talent and dedication, Xooos aims to prove that she is more than just the rumors and hate comments that have overshadowed her journey.

Reaction from Park Seo Joon’s Agency

Park Seo Joon’s agency responded to the dating rumors by maintaining their silence. They neither confirmed nor denied the news and emphasized that it was a personal matter for the actor. This stance only fueled further speculation and added to the media frenzy surrounding Xooos and Park Seo Joon’s alleged relationship.

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YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

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Xooos’ Thoughts on Malicious Comments

Xooos revealed that she has had to endure numerous malicious comments about her appearance throughout her career. While she acknowledges that hate comments come with fame, she admitted that it can be hurtful and discouraging at times. One of the most common hate comments targeted the corner of her mouth, which she finds unjustified and baseless. Despite the negativity, Xooos chooses to focus on her passion for music and the support of her loyal fans.

Xooos’ Experience with Dating Rumors

The dating rumors with Park Seo Joon had a significant impact on Xooos. She expressed her frustration at being involved in such rumors and the negative effect they had on her personal and professional life. Xooos firmly stated that the rumors were unfounded and proved to be a major distraction amidst her career aspirations. She hopes that the truth will be revealed eventually, allowing her to move forward without the weight of false accusations.

YouTuber/Singer Xooos Opens Up About Malicious Comments and Dating Rumors with Park Seo Joon

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Xooos Discusses Being Born with Unique Features

Xooos has always embraced her unique features, including the corner of her mouth that became a target for hate comments. She emphasized that her appearance is a natural part of who she is and not something she alters or forces. Xooos is proud of her individuality and hopes that others can appreciate and accept her for who she truly is.


Despite facing the challenges of malicious comments and dating rumors, Xooos remains focused on her passion for music and her dedicated fanbase. She continues to rise above the negativity and pursue her dreams. Xooos’ experience serves as a reminder to not judge others based on appearance and to support individuals in their journey to self-acceptance and success.