African e-commerce giants Wasoko & MaxAB to merge

Two of Africa’s leading e-commerce companies, Wasoko and MaxAB, have announced their plans to merge in an effort to revolutionize Africa’s informal retail sector. This merger-of-equals aims to establish the most successful digital retail platform on the continent by combining the strengths and capabilities of both companies. With a collective customer base of over 450,000 merchants across eight African countries, this merger is set to have a significant impact on the e-commerce landscape in Africa. Both companies have experienced substantial growth in recent years, making this partnership a strategic move towards continued success and profitability. Through this collaboration, Wasoko and MaxAB also aim to enable greater intra-Africa trade and implement new technologies on a Pan-African scale. Overall, this merger holds great promise for the future of e-commerce in Africa and the growth of the informal retail sector.

African e-commerce giants Wasoko  MaxAB to merge

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Merger Announcement

Wasoko and MaxAB to merge

Two of Africa’s most prominent e-commerce companies, Wasoko and MaxAB, have announced their intention to merge. This strategic move aims to bolster the growth and development of both companies, creating the most successful digital retail platform on the continent. By combining their resources and expertise, Wasoko and MaxAB will be able to drive the transformation of Africa’s informal retail sector, bringing essential goods to millions of consumers across eight African countries.

Company Background


Wasoko, founded in 2016, is a leading e-commerce company that operates in several African countries. The company has a strong commitment to becoming a truly pan-African company, connecting consumers across the continent with a diverse range of essential products. Wasoko has made significant strides towards profitability and has gained recognition for its innovative solutions in e-commerce, fintech, and logistics.

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MaxAB is another prominent player in the African e-commerce industry. The company has achieved market leadership through its B2B e-commerce offering, integrated payment solutions, merchant financing, and proprietary logistics operations. MaxAB has experienced consistent growth in its monthly revenue, merchant network, and fintech transaction volumes. Their focus on empowering businesses and connecting consumers aligns perfectly with Wasoko’s vision.

African e-commerce giants Wasoko  MaxAB to merge

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Customer Base and Market Presence

The merger of Wasoko and MaxAB will create a powerhouse in the African e-commerce space. With a collective customer base of over 450,000 merchants, the merged company will serve an estimated 65+ million consumers. This impressive market presence spans eight African countries: Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, and DR Congo. By combining their operations, Wasoko and MaxAB will be able to reach more customers and offer a wider range of essential products.

Financial Performance

Both Wasoko and MaxAB have experienced significant growth in their respective markets. Wasoko’s monthly revenue has increased by 30%, while their Sub-Saharan African merchant network has risen by over 20%. Likewise, MaxAB has seen a 25% growth in its monthly active merchant network and over 50% increase in fintech transaction volumes. These positive financial trends demonstrate the strong market position and potential for further growth that both companies possess.

African e-commerce giants Wasoko  MaxAB to merge

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Road to Profitability

Becoming profitable is a crucial milestone for any business, and both Wasoko and MaxAB are on the right path. Through their merger, the two companies can accelerate their journey towards profitability by leveraging their combined talent and capabilities. By sharing resources and expertise, Wasoko and MaxAB will be better equipped to optimize their operations and achieve sustainable profitability.

Collaboration and Intra-Africa Trade

One of the key objectives of the merger is to enable greater intra-Africa trade between the markets served by Wasoko and MaxAB. The two companies will collaborate deeply to develop strategies and implement new technologies that facilitate seamless trade between countries. This focus on intra-Africa trade will not only benefit customers by expanding their access to a wider range of products but also contribute to the economic development of the African continent as a whole.

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African e-commerce giants Wasoko  MaxAB to merge

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Key Offerings and Integrated Solutions

Wasoko and MaxAB offer a comprehensive suite of e-commerce solutions to their customers. Their key offerings include B2B e-commerce platforms, integrated payment solutions, merchant financing, and proprietary logistics operations. By integrating these solutions, the merged company will be able to provide a seamless and efficient experience for both merchants and consumers. This holistic approach to e-commerce sets Wasoko and MaxAB apart from their competitors and positions them as leaders in the industry.

Challenges in Africa’s Informal Retail Sector

Africa’s informal retail sector, estimated to be worth $850 billion, presents significant challenges for e-commerce companies. Wasoko and MaxAB recognize the importance of addressing these challenges to unlock the sector’s potential. By empowering businesses and connecting consumers with essential products, the merged company will play a crucial role in the development of Africa’s informal retail sector. This commitment to overcoming obstacles and driving growth is a shared vision of both Wasoko and MaxAB.

African e-commerce giants Wasoko  MaxAB to merge

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Pan-African Vision

Wasoko has always been committed to becoming a truly pan-African company, and the merger with MaxAB reflects that vision. The goal is to connect consumers across the continent, regardless of their location or economic status. By offering affordable and diverse essential products, the merged company will contribute to improving the lives of millions of Africans. This expansion and shared vision of inclusivity align perfectly with the values and goals of both startups.

CEO Statements

The CEOs of MaxAB and Wasoko have expressed their excitement and optimism about the merger. Belal El-Megharbel, the CEO of MaxAB, believes that the merger will unlock the potential of Africa’s informal retail sector by offering a wide range of technology-enabled services in e-commerce, fintech, and logistics. Daniel Yu, the CEO of Wasoko, sees the merger as a bold step towards realizing the goal of becoming a truly pan-African company. He emphasizes the commitment to empowering businesses and connecting consumers across the continent with affordable and diverse essential products.

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In conclusion, the merger of Wasoko and MaxAB holds great promise for the growth and development of the African e-commerce industry. The combined company will have a significant market presence and a diverse customer base. By leveraging their complementary strengths and shared vision, Wasoko and MaxAB will establish themselves as the most successful digital retail platform on the continent.